Sunday, February 13, 2011

It's not funny but its annoying....

salam...1st of all, i wanted to tell u that this weekend punya cuti agak lama...
(sbab ponteng klas hari isnin)
so thrilled before....but then, when the holidays come, its not that thrilling or nothing fun involved....
aku pun xtau la apa jadi.....
its just that everyday with the same old routine....
bangun pagi awal dah....(alhamdulillah)
lepas lunch, TIDO......
lepas dinner, TIDO.....
hmmm....kalau berkekalan jadual camni, satu keje pun xjadi....
pantang ada masa free,TIDO......
ok2...fine...aku paham dia penat....

but then a question struck me tonigt as i said "hmm...ramai jugak kawan atas kawan yang p** ni...bahaya tul.."
what type of question?
"yang awak cakap Aiman tadi tu p** gak ke?"
sejak bile aku mention pasal Aiman lak ni?

then aku btolkan.."bukan Aiman la...Izzat tu.."
then soalan maut keluar lagi..."ooo...Izzat tu kawan sekolah awak kn?dia tu p** gak ke?"
asal aku sebut nama kawan2 je dia cakap kawan aku p**....
dia ingat hidup aku ni untuk p** je ke?dah macam xde orang lain aku nak bergaul....
sentap gak sedikit kelakar...
hmm...kadang2 aku nak sebut nama kawan2 aku yang lain pun takut....
asal aku sebut je soalan maut kuar.....
jenuh nak menjawab....p** or not, they are the same...they are my friends.... komen....sakit hati gak kadang2....sampai bila la dia nak paham pasal orang sekeliling aku....
aku rasa aku xpernah pun bising2 tanya soalan maut pasal kawan2 dia....
its not that i wanna keep secrets...but its a matter of my friends' privacy...
lantak la kalo diorang nak nak jadi apa skalipun....
its their matter....we have to be smart enough to choose friends....
bukan terima bulat2 and follow their way of life or whatsoever....
xperlu la aku nak marah pun kalau dia tanya...tapi lama2 sakit hati gak....
dok tanya benda sama....dok pertikai orang sekeliling aku....dok control orang sekeliling aku....
excuse me....
do u want me to do the same thing to u?
restrict your life....
asking about people around u all the time?
restrict you from making any contact or communicate with them?
even theres nothing between u?
is that really what u wanted?
no rite....
so please.....i'm begging u...please dont ask such question over n over again....
its ANNOYING....and now i'm ANNOYED...
salam ~_~


  1. chill out bro..bende tu mmg kdg2 jadi kat kite..lagi2 kalu si Dia tu syg sgt kat,juz ignore la.mb dia amik berat kat ko kene paham..(tapi kalo ko je kn paham tok dia susah gak),pikir le sebelum bawak kete..tgk kiri kanan sebelum melintas,hahahahaah..salam...

  2. thanks bro....hmmm...
    btol gak tu...

  3. lalala.... wah... ada blog rupanya... x bgtau pon...
